mate Archivi - ART SpA


Last June, MATE was recognised for having achieved compliance with the ISO/IEC 17025 standard for vibration and shock testing.

Mate, a company of ART group, has grown very much in the past four years. Stefano Marchetti, the company’s managing director, knows this well and has made fundamental contributions towards the company affirming itself as a “small but big” rising star born between Umbria and Tuscany; a company and a team which distinguish themselves not only for technical
know how but also for problem solving ability, as well as organisational skills and order, which are all fundamental aspects in the field of testing and technical trials.

As a crowning moment for the growth of the company, Accredia – the Italian entity for accreditation- accredited Mate as an ISO/IEC 17025:2017 compliant laboratory for vibration and shock testing. This enables the company to offer clients an extremely high level of quality both
during the testing process as well as in the accuracy of the values that result from testing, guaranteeing maximum reliability even at the international level. Specifically, compliance with the standard indicates that the measurement of uncertainty specific to a laboratory for a certain test be contained within the values required by the method of testing. In MATE’s case, for instance, 10% on the value of acceleration.

As we all know, however, exams never end in life! In six months Accredia will evaluate MATE again. Meanwhile, the company is assessing how to reinforce the structure dedicated to this kind of activity, while the number of certified tests will be enhanced, as next year accreditation for Climate testing is expected.

MATE therefore becomes a complementary asset towards the verticalization of ART, an accredited testing laboratory at the service of clients from two markets especially: automotive and aerospace, where certifications of this kind are fundamental towards the recognition of high
quality work.